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Tuesday 16 May 2017

1. Egoist 이기주의보 (ee-gi-ju-eui-bo)

You may keep expecting things from me
But don't get the wrong idea. You're just fooling yourself.
You may dream of a love that lasts forever
But it's nothing but difficult as time goes by

Don't cross the line. The distance right now is good.
Don't ask what we are
Just make love
Just do love
That's right, just look at me
Do you see what I want?

A love that's too hot that I want to pull my hands back,
I don't want that kind of love again.
A love that's slightly cold but that's just right,
A love that's like that would be better.

Just like you're a planet and I'm a star,
If there's a perfect space between us just like the galaxy,
One that's neither too close nor too far, that would be just nice.
Would you please hug me when this is what I'm like? 

Time keeps passing by, and I need to leave.
You knew it, but why are you like this?
Don't expect too much, don't give me too much either
Just coordinate more with me

I know I'm bad, and it's right that I'm selfish too.
But I hurt too, don't you know?

A love that's too hot that I want to pull my hands back,
I don't want that kind of love again.
A love that's slightly cold but that's just right,
A love that's like that would be better.

Just like you're a planet and I'm a star,
If there's a perfect space between us just like the galaxy,
One that's neither too close nor too far, that would be just nice.
Would you please hug me when this is what I'm like?

Actually, truth is I'm afraid
This is what I'm like, but please don't hate me
I keep being that way, but why 
do I keep hoping for love?
Love once again

A love that's too hot that I want to pull my hands back,
I don't want that kind of love again.
A love that's slightly cold but that's just right,
A love that's like that would be better.

Just like you're a planet and I'm a star,
If there's a perfect space between us just like the galaxy,
One that's neither too close nor too far, that would be just nice.
Would you please hug me when this is what I'm like?

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